
KNOWLES Lawrenceノールズ ローレンス

Research Areas:Second-language learner motivation, L2 essay structure, computer assisted language learning (CALL), L2 argumentation skills

University Researcher List

Message to students

Expose yourself to the target language (English) as much as possible in your daily life. Watch YouTube and films, listen to songs, browse Web sites -- learning the language can be fun. All of this input will help you become better speakers and writers.


  • Knowles, L. (2023). Who to argue with: Japanese EFL students’ preference for student-teacher or student-student debate format. *The Educational Review, USA*, *7*(2), 152–160.

  • Knowles, L. (2022). Japanese EFL students' thesis statement production over the course of a semester: A case study. *The Educational Review, USA*, *6*(6), 213–224.

  • Knowles, L. (2022). English language learners’ preference for asynchronous, synchronous and hybrid modes of online learning. Journal of Inquiry and Research, (115), 67–84.

  • Knowles, L. (2021). The benefits of humor in the ESL classroom. Journal of Inquiry and Research, (113), 53–64.

  • Knowles, L. (2020). Japan’s shifting approach towards language. Journal of Inquiry and Research, (112), 17–25.


  • University of Missouri, M.Ed. (TESOL), 2015
  • Kenyon College, B.A. English Literature,1990