
FUJIMORI Atsushi藤森 敦之
Professor, Director

Research Areas:
Second Language Acquisition,
Generative Grammar (Syntax Interfaces).
Experimental Linguistics

University Researcher List

Message to students

Positivity opens your world to new possibilities.
Be proactive in class and overseas training.
We support your continuous efforts.


  • Zhou, W., Nakayama, M., & Fujimori, A. (2024). Perception of English semivowels by Japanese-speaking learners of English. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 2024.

  • Fujimori, A., Yamane, N., Kaneko, I., & Teaman, B. (2023). Short-term intervention effects on the development of pausing in read speech. ISAPh 2022, 4th International Symposium on Applied Phonetics, 13-16.

  • Noriko Yamane, Atsushi Fujimori, Brian Teaman, Noriko Yoshimura. (2022). Fluency of read speech in L2 English. Ars Linguistica, 28: 68-84.

  • Fujimori, A., Yamane, N., Yoshimura, N., Nakayama, M., Teaman, B., & Yoneyama, K. (2022), Development of L2 prosody; The case of information focus. In E. Shimanskaya, T. Leal, & C. Isabelli (Eds), Generative SLA in the age of Minimalism: Features, Interfaces, and beyond (Selected Proceedings of the 15th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Conference), 137-155. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

  • Mineharu Nakayama, Noriko Yoshimura, Atsushi Fujimori. (2019). Intervention in Japanese EFL learners control constructions with quantifiers. English Linguistics, 35 (2), 221-240.


  • Intervention structures in L2 acquisition. Workshop on Linguistic Theory and Language Acquisition, The Chinese University of hong Kong. 2024年6月. (共著、Invited talk)

  • 文法構造の理解度を向上させる英語学習システムの開発.
    情報処理学会第86回全国大会2024年3月. (共著、学生奨励賞受賞)

  • Japanese grammatical knowledge is a way of nullifying intervention effects in L2 English. The Workshop on Theoretical East Asian Linguistics 13 (TEAL 13), National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan. 2023年5月. (共著)

  • A. Voiceover practice: Comparison between two visual feedback approaches. HICELLS 2023. University of Hawai’i, Hilo. 2023年3月. (共著)

  • RM effects can be nullified in L2 acquisition. J-SLA 2022, Chuo University, Tokyo. 2022年10月. (共著).
    (J-SLA Annual Conference Best Oral Presentation Award)


University of British Columbia (Linguistics) PhD
University of Shizuoka (Comparative Linguistics) MA
University of Shizuoka (English Language and Literature) BA