
PETERS Michaelピーターズ マイケル

Research Areas:International Relations, Cultural Anthropology

University Researcher List

Message to students

If a baseball player hits .300 (in baseball, .300 =three hundred =30%), they are considered a superstar. They make mistakes 70% of the time, and they are considered successful. The same goes for learning English. Don't be afraid to make mistakes and be confident!


  • Conformity and the Safeguarding of Respectability: The Experiences of Kenyan Female Distance Runners in Japan, International Journal of Diaspora & Cultural Criticism. Vol. 12 No. 1 2022年2月 103-131頁

  • ‘Friendship, Respect, and Success: Kenyan Runners in Japan.’ In Sport, Migration, and Gender in the Neoliberal Age. Edited by Niko Besnier, Domenica Gisella Calabrò, and Daniel Guinness. London: Routledge, 2020.

  • Running, Spending, and Saving in Japan、Anthropology News Vol 57; editions 7-8、2016年6月3-4頁(総47頁)

  • Being a Good Friend; Practices of Borrowing and Lending Money among Kenyan Runners in Japan グローバル・スポーツGLOBALSPORT (アムステルダム, オランダ) 2015年7月


  • “Detours along the Journey to a Better Life: Mobility Prospects of Kenyan Female Distance Runners in Japan.” Part of Panel: Embodied Experiences and Ontology of Mobilities. 2021 Global Mobility Humanities Conferenceソウル市、大韓民國、建国大学校 「オンライン」 2021年10月29日

  • “Transnational Investments in Friendship, Progress, and the Good Life” Society for East Asian Anthropology (SEAA) Regional Conference 2019 – Tokyo, 東アジア人類学会, 東京都 早稲田大学大学院 アジア太平洋研究科, 2019年8月3日

  • “Kenyan Runners in Japan: Understanding the Interplay between Maendeleo, Migration, and Success.”グローバルスポーツ学会 GLOBALSPORT Conference プラハ市、チェコ共和国 ビラ ラナ 2017年6月7日

  • “Coping with Uncertainty: Kenyan Migrant Athletes in Japan.” Part of Panel: Gambling with Uncertainty: Transnational Mobility and the Global Sports Industries.アメリカ文化人類学会American Anthropological Association (AAA) 115th Annual Meeting 第115回年次会 ミネアポリス、アメリカ合衆国 ミネアポリス・コンベンションセンター 2016年11月19日

  • “Dependence, Obligation and Improving Livelihoods: the Importance of Remittances for Kenyan Migrant Athletes in Japan,” in the panel of Transnational Sport Migrants and Human Futures ヨーロッパ社会人類学会European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA)第14回定例年次会議  ミラノ市、イタリア ミラノ・ビコッカ大学 2016年7月21日


Brandeis University (East Asian Studies) BA
Waseda University [Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies]
(International Relations) MA