Always be flexible!
If you can only see trees, please move back, so you can see the forest.
If you can only see the forest, please move forward, so you can see the trees.
If you can see things from a different point of view, you can even go through the walls.
Always be flexible!
Stone, N., Hayasaka, Y., Aiba, C., Yamashita, R., & Barrows, J. (2017). How computer-based and paper-based modes of learning affect student performance on vocabulary tests in the TOEIC classroom. International Journal of Teaching and Education, V(2), 105-116.
Stone, N., Hayasaka, Y., Aiba, C., Yamashita, R., & Barrows, J. (2017). How computer-based and paper-based modes of learning affect student performance on vocabulary tests in the TOEIC classroom. International Journal of Teaching and Education, V(2), 105-116.
Aiba, C., & Izumi, J. The use of CDF in writing at Japanese universities. 57th RELC International Conference (Virtual). 2023年3月
Aiba, C., & Izumi, J. The impact of translanguaging on EFL learners’ lexical diversity in Japanese universities. 56th RELC International Conference (Virtual). 2022年3月
Aiba, C., & Izumi, J. Do productive skills of language enhance learners' cognitive ability?: An experimental study of soft CLIL to technology majors. The 8th Teaching and Education Conference, by IISES. Vienna. TU Vienna. 2019年9月
相羽千州子、藤原真知子「理科を取りいれた小学校でのCLIL 実践:Butterfly Life Cycle」日本CLIL教育学会2018全国大会、早稲田大学 2018年7月
Aiba, C. CLIL practice in a Japanese public elementary school: Procedures, problems and perspectives. 52 RELC International Conference. Singapore. SEAMEO regional Language Centre. 2017年3月
Aiba, C. How can CLIL Approach for young learners be practiced?: Action research at a Japanese public elementary school. 12th CamTESOL Annual Conference. Phnom Penh. Institute of Technology Cambodia. 2016年2月